News: The Amazing Secret Santa Gifts Meta Employees Exchanged in AR Over the Holiday

The Amazing Secret Santa Gifts Meta Employees Exchanged in AR Over the Holiday

What do you get a co-worker for Christmas, Hannukah, or Kwanzaa when he or she already has a Meta 2 headset?

Last week, Meta Company shared a delightful video of its employees unwrapping virtual Secret Santa gifts through the Meta 2.

Gifts included a UFO beaming up dreidels, a Delorean hitting 88 miles per hour, and a zen garden populated with colorful butterflies.

However, it appears that not everyone at Meta is a model colleague, with one employee receiving a stack of virtual coal. But you have to admit, in augmented reality, that lump of coal doesn't look half bad.

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Yes, I realize that theatrics are in play here, but Meta does present a great vision of how augmented reality via the Meta 2 could change the modern workplace, even down to little things like workplace culture, in the not too distant future.

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Images via Meta Company/Twitter

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